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Mischief night. All Hallows Eve. The Darkest Night of the Year. Whatever you call it, once we become adults, Halloween becomes synonymous with dressing up, going to a bar party, getting a little loaded up, and, for some, taking a little advantage of other costumed members of the opposite sex. Good costumes provide safety to lose one's inhibitions, a chance to nude celebs play for a night. ...This story is in a number of chapters. To help the reader, I will put the list of main characters before each chapter. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I would appreciate any comments you care to direct to me. But be fore warned, this story contains some watersports and incest. If these subjects are taboo with yo nude celebs u, stop reading now. I have non-incest stories on another site.... Inspired by Alec At the end of my last year of high school tragedy had struck my family and my Mother, along with my two younger sisters and my younger brother had been killed in a horrific motorway pileup that had also claim nude celebs ed the lives of twenty-three other people. The surviving members of my family, my father, older brother and I endured the grief as best we could and a year later things were beginning to return to normal. |
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