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I figured that the best thing to do was to go home, head to the basement that I had converted to my personal abode, take a shower, slip one of my porno videos in the machine and beat my meat before I went to bed.
As expected, my sister wasn't home, the house was in darkness and mom had apparently retired for the night.
"Perfec handjob t..." I thought to myself. "No one to disturb me from my pleasures.
...It was a sunny Saturday when it happened. I had woken up at 8 am due to the sound of a ball being repeatedly thrown at the house wall. I threw the covers off me and looked out of the window. My older brother Ryan was playing basketball at handjob 8 am. Only he would do that. No doubt it was for a number of reasons....
My sisters: Jill is 24, tall, slender, brunette, dark brown eyes, wears her hair very long and straight
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