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I had been having some trouble with my computer at home and a friend from work offered to come home with fist fucking me to see if he could straighten it out or at least tell me what was really wrong with it. Tony is a good guy like that, always willing to help out if he can. ...By the age of n fist fucking ineteen, Jason's life was already a long strange trip. His story had armed robbery, rape, and incest in it. He'd read about things like that in books and seen it in films. He just didn't expect to be the character in the lead role....
When I had finished the Doctor Bard was left with an enormous erection under his tunic and the nurse was flushed and gently moaning as her fingers worked in her slit. Alan's cock had revived and he was slowing wanking himself. Nicole awoke and felt the warmth of a body close to her. She shook her head and instinctively snuggled into the prone body. She felt an arm drape over her and start to caress her pert breast. Still half asleep, she moaned as the hand slid down her body and caressed fist fucking her pussy. Her breathing become more laboured as she felt a finger slip inside her and slowly play with her. |
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is good
Posted by: cornelius | February 12, 2006 at 03:53 AM
I like Bitches and I want to fuck because Im horny and I like sex and Im good at it as well Im a pro
Posted by: Wes | February 12, 2006 at 04:29 PM
Fuck me when you get the chance I'm so horny and I need to be fucked right now please (ooooooooooh, damn I'm getting hornier as the second's go bye)please fuck me now right now touch my breast and my pussy right now do me do me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Ty | February 17, 2006 at 12:27 PM
my n-07888842236
Posted by: pedro | March 02, 2006 at 04:36 PM