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It's usually the most exciting time in the "Big Easy" and this weekend was no exception. Mom and Dad always made a trip down there every other year when they could afford it. Last year my parents had gone through an ugly divorce and my father had been found cheating on my mom with one of his big tits clients. In the end, mom got most of everything and a huge chunk of money. ...The summer had peaked on that particular day. It was hot, there was not a single cloud in the sky and it was the longest day of the year. I had the pool to myself, and I was making the most of it trying to keep cool. Grandma came out of the back door with two glasses of orange juice on a tray big tits . She placed the tray on the small wooden table between the deck chairs we had at the poolside.... I gently shaved away the light covering of hair around her pussy lips until her pussy was as bald as the day she was born. I took a sponge and held it under the hot water tap. “This will be very hot,” I said. “If I don’t clean your pussy like this you will get a big tits really itchy rash." Lying on his bed looking at the ceiling was boring... |
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